Why Omega 3’s Are Essential for a Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

When you become pregnant, you will hear that your body needs all kinds of nutritional help- a diet rich in omega 3’s tops that list. This could be because most prenatal vitamins don’t have Omega 3’s in them. Nonetheless, they are incredibly important to the development of your baby and should be included daily in your diet.
Omega 3’s are fatty acids that are sometimes called simply, essential fatty acids. The reason that Omega 3’s are considered “essential” is that it is impoassible for your body to produce it on its own, and you can only derive it from other food sources or supplementation.
This is why it is very important that you make sure to include it in your diet, you won’t be able to get it to your growing baby otherwise.
What do Omega 3’s do for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet?
Certain studies have shown that infants who are exposed to higher levels of docosahexaenoic acid, (DHA) an omega-3 fatty acid, were found to have advanced attention spans for their age, well into their second year of life.
Also, during the first six months of living, these babies were two months ahead, developmentally, than babies who had lower or non-existent levels of DHa in their blood.
Giving your baby a leg up in the brain department is important for any of us. If you can give your baby this brain-making fatty acid in the womb to boost their ease into personal growth, it makes perfect sense to do so.
But your baby being advanced beyond his years isn’t the only benefit for including omega-3’s in your pregnancy diet.

How do Omega-3’s help my Baby and Myself During my Pregnancy Diet?
Having a diet rich in essential fatty acids can also help your fetus’s brain build exponentially better and more efficiently. It also helps form the retinas successfully, giving your child the best chance possible at having great eyesight.
They also aid in developing the nervous system. From the brain, to the eyes, to the nervous system, omega-3’s pretty much run the gamut when it comes to benefits for your baby.
For you, getting enough omega-3’scan help reduce your risk for post partum depression, minimize your chance or a pre-term baby, and even reduce your chance of developing preeclampsia. So invest in some flaxseed oil or organic eggs, your baby will thank you!

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