Why “Artificial” Should Never be a Part of your Diet in Pregnancy

You’ve heard it a hundred times before: eat whole food, especially lots of veggies, fruits, and proteins. But sometimes we let ourselves fudge a little, and end up including artificial substances during our diet in pregnancy. This can be in the form of an artificial sweetener, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, Sucralose, fructose, rice syrup, etc.

The reason that these substances may have snuck into your diet without you knowing is because label checking has becomes somewhat of a secret code in which the average shopper is left on the outside and the food manufacturers have the inside scoop. But just because there may be a substance in your cereal, oatmeal, granola, or Stabucks latte that you don’t recognize, that doesn’t mean that it is safe for consumption!

For instance, aspartame is found in many foods and substances, ranging from low fat or fat free yogurts to chewing gum. This chemical is extremely dangerous to anyone, let alone someone who is pregnant and the sole contributor to her child’s development.

Aspartame has been linked to panic attacks, mood swings, visual hallucinations, manic episodes, isolated dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and a dozen more unattractive symptoms.

Part of your Diet in PregnancyAspartame is a Key Player in Neuropsychiatric Disorders, and Has no Place in a Healthy Pregnancy Diet.

If you are not getting enough of the right nutrients and instead ingesting chemical substitutes you are putting yourself at risk for nutritional depletion. Your child needs all that he or she can get to build those little fingernails, hair, blood and bones.

If your diet is made up of unusable food, then your baby will have to pull from your own personal stores to create its body. Which means that you will be at a higher risk for osteoporosis, post-partum depression, and many other problems that can arise from improper nutrition during pregnancy.

If I go Cold Turkey off of “Artificial” what can I expect to Experience?

It is very common to experience headaches, dizziness, nausea and even breakouts when you go off of artificial ingredients. And even though these symptoms may be unpleasant they are necessary for your body to flush out all of the chemicals that it needs to get you back on the healthy pregnancy diet track.

Go slowly when you detox. Your body will already be experiencing a slew of pregnancy related symptoms and you don’t want to add insult to injury.

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