Is Pregnancy Miracle Worth It? Truth Is Here!

Is Pregnancy Miracle a scam or one of those on-line pregnancy guides trying to cash-in on the frustrations of infertile women? To tell you the truth, the Pregnancy Miracle System is not a scam. It is a no-nonsense e-book that will teach you how to get pregnant within two to four months.

The main e-book is 250-pages long and contains 14 years worth of research. The system was developed by Lisa Olson, a certified nutritionist, Chinese medicine researcher, health and lifestyles coach, and mother of two healthy children.

What is surprising about Lisa Olson is that her doctors already diagnosed her infertility as hopeless. She tried all medical treatments and pills just to get pregnant without success. After experiencing failure after failure, she decided to conduct her own research and tested her methods on herself.

Fourteen years after she started her research, she was able to refine her methods and gave birth to her children. She was then 43 years old and her babies were born without complications. Since then, the Pregnancy Miracle System helped thousands of women who are suffering from infertility to get pregnant within 2 to 4 months.

The Facts about the Pregnancy Miracle System

If someone popped the question: 'Is Pregnancy Miracle a scam?' Lisa Olson will confidently tell you that it is not. The system helped her and many other women to conceive even though their doctors have given up on them.

The Pregnancy Miracle is not just a simple how to get pregnant guide or an e-book full of technical details on how to monitor ovulation. This e-book offers a holistic approach to completely cure infertility while paving the way for conception without using artificial treatments.

Lisa Olson provides an easy 5-step solution to solve infertility. It combines dietary changes, lifestyle changes, proper pregnancy mindset, traditional Chinese technique, and rejuvenation of the reproductive system.

The system entails work on your part and strong self-discipline. But at the end of the day, you will be rewarded with the miracle of conception. You will have your baby soon so you can experience how to become a Mommy without resorting to expensive medical treatments.

Proof that Pregnancy Miracle Is Not a Scam

Lisa Olson is very confident about the effectiveness of her system that she will give you full two months money back guarantee. You can simply ask for a refund if the e-book is not right for you. Aside from this guarantee, the team of Olson provides technical help and support in case you encounter problems with your download.

In fact, Ms. Olson is available for a one-on-one personalized support service and counseling for three months if you have encountered problems with the Pregnancy Miracle System. And lastly, you will get free lifetime updates for the e-book.

With all the guarantees, counseling, and book updates, you will surely get the assurance that the system is not a scam. In fact, the best proof that this pregnancy system works is Lisa herself. She has clinically tried the holistic infertility cure and was blessed with two bouncing children.

Is Pregnancy Miracle a Scam? Infertility is a touchy issue and more women are getting frustrated by the lack of reliable solutions. But you can say goodbye to all scams and ineffective solutions because thousands of women have already experienced the effectiveness of Pregnancy Miracle System. If you want to see some photos of real women who got results using this system, please read this Pregnancy Miracle Review and clear all you doubts.

pregnancy miracle reviews

When attempts to have a baby using the conventional method avails no success, a couple desperately craving for a baby would be willing to try method including a miracle.
With the current knowledge on the biology of embryo formation, it should be obvious that a pregnancy may or may not occur to a woman. However, coming to terms with fact of one's inability to sire children can be difficult.
Such people would rather live in denial and make every effort to get pregnant. An option of miracle pregnancy is always welcome to them, leading to a search for Pregnancy miracle.
Whether such miracle can actually occur or is it only fictional is the subject of pregnancy miracle review.
pregnancy miracle
pregnancy miracle
pregnancy miracle
pregnancy miracle
Pregnancy miracle review is a hot subject among religious faithful. This emotive subject has been pushed to the top of the media agenda by the recent history of miracle babies.
In 2007, the UK media carried stories of 'fake' miracle baby maker in the name of Bishop Deya. This self-proclaimed miracle worker hails from poor African country named Kenyan.
He is accused of having duped women and many families by claiming that he will enable them to have miracle babies.
A balanced pregnancy miracle review is important to avoid emotive and biased conclusion. The facts should be considered while giving an opportunity for the supernatural.
To effectively discuss pregnancy miracle review, having a specific definition of a miracle is important.
According to the web, a miracle is an event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God.
Katherine Potter adds that miracles are spontaneous and cannot be summon, rather, they come on their own.
Therefore, for it to be a truly miracle baby, one should be sure that he or she is not capable of having a pregnancy in the normal manner due to biological challenges.
These include hormonal distress due to excessive physical work, emotional stress, or inappropriate dieting and nutrition.
To qualify for a miracle, pregnancy miracle review will only vouch for a process that overcomes these hurdles of hormonal, physical and natural laws and still be able to deliver a pregnancy as a true miracle pregnancy.
A woman past menopause and child birth age, yet having a pregnancy is such a miracle if a non-conventional and scientific process lead to the pregnancy.
Whether a miracle baby is fact or fiction depends on how well it fits the above description.
If you are having difficulty getting pregnant, I highly recommend you check out pregnant miracle guide. Check out my in depth pregnancy miracle review and learn how to get pregnant naturally.

Why Omega 3’s Are Essential for a Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

Why Omega 3’s Are Essential for a Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

When you become pregnant, you will hear that your body needs all kinds of nutritional help- a diet rich in omega 3’s tops that list. This could be because most prenatal vitamins don’t have Omega 3’s in them. Nonetheless, they are incredibly important to the development of your baby and should be included daily in your diet.

Omega 3’s are fatty acids that are sometimes called simply, essential fatty acids. The reason that Omega 3’s are considered “essential” is that it is impoassible for your body to produce it on its own, and you can only derive it from other food sources or supplementation.

This is why it is very important that you make sure to include it in your diet, you won’t be able to get it to your growing baby otherwise.

What do Omega 3’s do for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet?

Certain studies have shown that infants who are exposed to higher levels of docosahexaenoic acid, (DHA) an omega-3 fatty acid, were found to have advanced attention spans for their age, well into their second year of life.

Also, during the first six months of living, these babies were two months ahead, developmentally, than babies who had lower or non-existent levels of DHa in their blood.

Giving your baby a leg up in the brain department is important for any of us. If you can give your baby this brain-making fatty acid in the womb to boost their ease into personal growth, it makes perfect sense to do so.

But your baby being advanced beyond his years isn’t the only benefit for including omega-3’s in your pregnancy diet.

How do Omega-3’s help my Baby and Myself During my Pregnancy Diet?

Having a diet rich in essential fatty acids can also help your fetus’s brain build exponentially better and more efficiently. It also helps form the retinas successfully, giving yoru child the best chance possible at having great eyesight.
Diet During Pregnancy
Diet During Pregnancy
Diet During Pregnancy
Diet During Pregnancy
Diet During Pregnancy
Diet During Pregnancy
They also aid in developing the nervous system. From the brain, to the eyes, to the nervous system, omega-3’s pretty much run the gamut when it comes to benefits for your baby.

For you, getting enough omega-3’scan help reduce your risk for post partum depression, minimize your chance or a pre-term baby, and even reduce your chance of developing preeclampsia. So invest in some flaxseed oil or organic eggs, your baby will thank you!

Your Pregnancy and Diet: Steps to Take to Keep from Gaining Too Much Weight

Pregnancy is not the time to be concerned with your weight, but your pregnancy and diet plans do have the positive power to make your term more bearable, your labor easier and your post partum recovery faster. The recommended weight gain is anywhere between 20 and 35 pounds, but be sure to check with your practitioner about what is recommend for you.
What is so Magical about the 20-35 lb Weight Gain During Pregnancy Diet Plan?
Gaining too much weight during your term can result in some very negative side effects for you and baby. During your pregnancy, too much rapid weight gain can result in gestational diabetes as well as make it that much harder for your body to recover to its original state once the baby is born. Also, studies have shown that too much weight gain could attribute to childhood obesity and even obesity in adults.
Losing the baby weight should be a natural process. On the day of your baby’s birth, you will experience the largest weight loss you’ve ever had in one day. From that moment amidst the changes in your uterus’s size, lochia loss, as well as breastfeeding, you will find that your body will rapidly recover. So if you stay within the recommended weight gain range, you shouldn’t have trouble losing what you’ve gained during pregnancy.
What Are some Ways to Gain the Right Amount of Weight from a Healthy Diet in Pregnancy?
Pregnancy and DietToo much sugar intake is the biggest blunder that many pregnant women don’t realize they make. The truth is that while your body may be craving calories and energy to keep your growing body progressing healthily, sugar isn’t the ticket. Be sure that the weight you are gaining is being put on from healthy calories, like lean proteins, veggies and complex carbohydrates and not excess fat and sugar.
Tip: Stay away from high sugar juices – unless they are natural or in the raw – this is one secret source of sugar that many pregnant moms-to-be don’t realize they are indulging in.
In addition to regulating sugar, be sure that you are skipping on refined carbohydrates; white bread, packaged muffins, bagels, etc. These may claim to be healthy or even claim to have whole wheat, but you need to check the packaging carefully. You want to eat foods the closest to their natural state as possible to load up on fiber and the calories that your body can use as great baby making fuel.

Can Exercise Really Be that Important to my Diet in Pregnancy?

No matter what magazines or books you read about a healthy diet in pregnancy, you will undoubtedly come across the section dedicated to the importance of exercise while you’re expecting. For those of us who have never been very consistent with working out before baby, the chances are that when you are fighting fatigue and nausea the last thing you may want to do is tie up your running sneakers and hit the gym.
But before you roll your eyes and skip over this, keep in mind that while it may seem like the opposite of what your body is telling you to do, exercise can help energize you even when you think you may be more tired than you’ve ever been.
How Much Exercise is enough for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet Plan?
It may sound like a lot, but getting 4-5 days of moderate exercise in a week will greatly improve your quality of the hours you spend awake and help you to sleep more soundly at night. Since being pregnant can impede on a good night’s sleep, a body that is tired from healthy movement will be much more apt to fall into a deep rhythmic sleep than one that is still cranked up from a long day without any hope of energy release.
Diet in PregnancyRemember, your body was made to move, so get some oxygen flowing to the body. Exercise is an excellent way to expel stress, increase blood flow to your growing little one, and to give yourself an outlet while dreaming up new color schemes for the nursery or adorable baby names.
This is especially true, if you find yourself towards the end of your pregnancy. Once you enter waiting mode, which can be stressful – a good old fashioned walk or 30 minutes on an elliptical machine or treadmill will help rid yourself of the pre-baby jitters and get to your due date healthy and in great shape for delivery.
They say that Exercise releases Happy Hormones, is that the same During Pregnancy?
Sometimes pregnancy can bring on some pre-baby blues. This is a normal occurrence since all of the hormones in your body are on full alert, making a mish-mash of your emotions. Exercise is not only a great way to keep pregnancy pounds within the recommended range, but it can also release endorphins into your blood which can help with circulation and yes, make you feel a little sunnier!

I Feel So Stressed Out, Can that Affect my Pregnancy and Diet?

When you discover that you are pregnant, there is a wide range of emotions that any woman may feel, excitement, elation, happiness, fear, and yes stress. So how does stress affect your pregnancy and diet? The truth is that it can have long-standing affects on your baby even after they are born.

It will be impossible for you to be constantly happy during the entire term of your pregnancy, with hormones battling for your sanity and the impending responsibility of a little child looming in the near future. It’s ok to have a little case of the baby blues here and there, but constantly dwelling on negative aspects of your life: i.e.: finances or your difficult relationships, can only give you more cause for concern during pregnancy.

There is more to a Healthy Pregnancy Diet than Just Food

Keeping your nutrition in check, and the health of your growing baby first and foremost on your list of priorities will yield enormous benefits for your child- in the womb and out of the womb. Psychologically speaking, your baby has a lot to gain or lose from your emotions and thought patterns.

Research has shown that when a pregnant woman stresses incessantly, that can possibly translate into health problems for your child later on. Maternal stress can also affect your child’s immune system, and their birth weight.

Worry and low birth weight in newborns has been linked in certain studies, and it also has the power to alter your baby’s temperament and neurobehavioral development.

How Do I Keep Myself on the Sunny Side During My Baby’s Development?

Pregnancy and DietYou can’t trick yourself into feeling happy, but there are some things you can do that will lighten your mood and enable you to enjoy your pregnancy term even more.

- Exercise. This may seem like more of a burden and stress inducer than release at first. But getting yourself outside for a good walk on a beautiful day or working up a little sweat when you feel the impending pressure of pregnancy releases those endorphins and helps you feel better.

-Meditation. Pick up a few CDs the next time you are out that help you relax and zone out. Meditation is a great way to hit pause on your life, and to really revel in the beauty of becoming a mother. Enjoy the quiet moments when you can, the little one won’t give you much time to meditate once he arrives!

I’ve been So Dedicated to my Pregnancy and Nutrition, but how do I Healthily Prepare for After the Baby Arrives?

You are beginning to round out your pregnancy term, in more ways than one, and your due date is rapidly approaching. Now is the time to pat yourself on the back for being dedicated to a healthy pregnancy and nutrition plan.

However, you may be beginning to realiz that the journey has just begun. Those habits that you developed need to carry on into the first years of your child’s life and beyond.

However having a newborn and being pregnant are two different stages of life, each offering their own struggles and rewards. So once your baby is here, you will need to have already established a few habits that will keep you happy, healthy and sane in those first few months of parenthood.

Common Mistakes that First Time Moms Make

1. Don’t Ask For Help

One of the most common mistakes that first-time moms make is to try and do it all themselves. Before baby was born, maybe you didn’t need help getting your life organized and took pride in your ability to manage your household without a hitch.

After the Baby ArrivesBut once that bundle arrives you may find that your pre-baby strengths have been replaced with lack of sleep and disinterest in anything other than eating and caring for your baby. Hormonal changes may make you feel overwhelmed or even depressed.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! There will be people in your life that understand what you are going through, let those family and friends lend a helping hand.

2. Overdo It, Too Soon

The recommended wait period for a new mother’s body to recover from the delivery and to adjust to the new demands of motherhood, is six weeks. This means that you need to take it easy–literally.

For those type A personalities, it is so hard to simply be at home, relishing in the new life you’ve made and falling into that rhythm. But these six weeks will fly by fast so enjoy them.

3. Try to be Martha Stewart Mommy

Erase those images from your mind that you will be whipping up beautiful three course meals for your new family a few days after delivery. Instead stock your freezer with frozen meals, solicit help from friends, and order in take-out when you can. This is not the time to try to rival Martha Stewart! Just relax and everything will be fine.

What’s the Difference Between a Good Diet for Pregnancy and for Breastfeeding?

You’ve spent the last nine-ten months watching your diet for pregnancy and making sure that you are getting adequate nutrition from whole food sources. You have opted to skip out on the processed foods, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol.

You may be a little tired of having to bow out of sushi night or to toast a glass of apple juice at that wedding instead of champagne, but the good news is that you have developed sound habits over the course of your pregnancy. These habits will make it that much easier to transition into a healthy diet and lifestyle which will lend itself to feeding your baby the best that nature can provide: breast milk.

Healthy Eating During Pregnancy Isn’t Unlike Healthy Eating During Breastfeeding

Perhaps the only difference between your pre-preggers diet and your post-preggers diet will be the strictness of your meal plans. You will be able to eat fresh wild fish more freely, and you can feel free to have one glass of wine if you plan on pumping as well to feed your little guy or gal.

However, it is just as important to get all of the nutrients you were vying for during your term. Load up on protein, complex carbohydrates, and fresh fruits & vegetables.

Diet for Pregnancy and for BreastfeedingEven though what you are eating will be metabolized to some degree before it is made into breast milk, it is your responsibility as your baby’s only food source to give him the most healthy breast milk you possibly can. These first few months are paramount to his brain development and neurological growth, what you are providing him will be the fast track to a healthy child.

The Skinny on Breast Milk: How Healthy Is It?

There are several components in breast milk that protect your new baby from many common infections and diseases. Depending on what time of year your baby is born, your breast milk may have the power to ward off the flu during flu season, or protect him from the colds that seem to running rampant in your neighborhood.

Also, the way that breast milk is formulated makes it easier to digest than store-bought formulas. This allows your new baby to easily digest and pass his or her food without much trouble. Breast milk is also packed with easily absorbed calcium, which your baby will need a lot of as his or her bones continue to grow and set.

Is all Sugar off-limits During a Healthy Pregnancy Diet?

There are so many different types of sugar in our food these days. During a healthy pregnancy diet you may find yourself wanting to choose the right foods as often as you possible can.
But what about that cupcake at your baby shower? And what about that delicious pumpkin pie during Thanksgiving? Should you forgo all sugar no matter what the circumstance?
Your pregnancy is a very special and unique time for you. Ultimately, you will be the one who chooses what you put into your body and what you don’t. The best thing that you can do is get all of the facts you can on the substance and then decide how you feel about sugar.

The Facts about Sugar: Can it ever be considered Healthy Eating During Pregnancy?
Sugar substitutes like aspartame, saccarhin and Splenda should all be avoided during pregnancy, since they are all chemically structured and in no way natural or necessary to the growth of your healthy baby.
However, sugar in its natural state is considered a natural substance, but today’s white sugar is so refined that  unless you are using Agave syrup or sugar in the raw, you may find these side effects to be alarming, and understandably so.
Sugar has been known to:
-Feed cancer
-Weaken eyesight
-Increase cholesterol
-Increase weight gain
-Cause drowsiness or decreased activity in children
-Interfere with the absorption of protein
-Cause food allergies
-Contributes to diabetes
-Contributes to eczema in children
-Cause cardiovascular diseases
-Impair structure of DNA
-Contribute to osteoporosis

Healthy Pregnancy DietAside from these scary sugar side effects, you personally have nothing to gain from making sugar a part of your daily diet. During pregnancy your body will be putting on weight.  This is healthy and natural. With the right foods, a 20-30lb weight gain is what’s best and healthy for your baby.
Healthy Pregnancy DietHowever, if those pounds are not being put on through whole, natural food sources, proteins, veggies and fruits- then your baby may be suffering. Remember, you and only you are the food source for your growing infant. If you eat half a chocolate cake, he does too!
Refined sugar is bad for everyone, as it can cause tooth decay, gum disease, excess and rapid weight gain as well can reduce your bodies immunity. Keeping your blood sugars normal will also help to ward of gestational diabetes and keep your pancreas operating correctly.
The choice is yours, but clearly sugar isn’t sweet for you and your baby.

Why “Artificial” Should Never be a Part of your Diet in Pregnancy

You’ve heard it a hundred times before: eat whole food, especially lots of veggies, fruits, and proteins. But sometimes we let ourselves fudge a little, and end up including artificial substances during our diet in pregnancy. This can be in the form of an artificial sweetener, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, Sucralose, fructose, rice syrup, etc.

The reason that these substances may have snuck into your diet without you knowing is because label checking has becomes somewhat of a secret code in which the average shopper is left on the outside and the food manufacturers have the inside scoop. But just because there may be a substance in your cereal, oatmeal, granola, or Stabucks latte that you don’t recognize, that doesn’t mean that it is safe for consumption!

For instance, aspartame is found in many foods and substances, ranging from low fat or fat free yogurts to chewing gum. This chemical is extremely dangerous to anyone, let alone someone who is pregnant and the sole contributor to her child’s development.

Aspartame has been linked to panic attacks, mood swings, visual hallucinations, manic episodes, isolated dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and a dozen more unattractive symptoms.

Part of your Diet in PregnancyAspartame is a Key Player in Neuropsychiatric Disorders, and Has no Place in a Healthy Pregnancy Diet.

If you are not getting enough of the right nutrients and instead ingesting chemical substitutes you are putting yourself at risk for nutritional depletion. Your child needs all that he or she can get to build those little fingernails, hair, blood and bones.

If your diet is made up of unusable food, then your baby will have to pull from your own personal stores to create its body. Which means that you will be at a higher risk for osteoporosis, post-partum depression, and many other problems that can arise from improper nutrition during pregnancy.

If I go Cold Turkey off of “Artificial” what can I expect to Experience?

It is very common to experience headaches, dizziness, nausea and even breakouts when you go off of artificial ingredients. And even though these symptoms may be unpleasant they are necessary for your body to flush out all of the chemicals that it needs to get you back on the healthy pregnancy diet track.

Go slowly when you detox. Your body will already be experiencing a slew of pregnancy related symptoms and you don’t want to add insult to injury.

Simple Solutions: The Basics of a Perfect Pregnancy Diet Plan

Here is a simple list that maps out the basics of what you will need to adhere to the perfect pregnancy diet plan. There are a hundred different ways to develop a diet that will meet your specific needs, but if you need a starting point, this is a perfect place to begin.

The Top Three Must-Do’s for a Healthy Diet in Pregnancy

1.    Eat a Healthy Fat Source with Every Meal – This doesn’t mean that you need another slab of butter on that croissant or that you should whip out a spoonful of Crisco for those chocolate chip cookies you are baking. This means that you need to seek out healthy ways to include omega-3 fats into your diet everyday. Slice up an avocado and serve it over organic eggs.

Mix in a couple of spoonfuls of flaxseed oil in your quinoa. Invest in an omega-3 supplement, or munch on an organic apple and a large spread of raw nut butter.

These are excellent ways to get healthy fats into your daily meal plan, which will help your baby with brain development and keep your satiated longer between meals.

2.    Drink Water Like It’s Your Job – Nothing may seem more counterintuitive than drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day (i.e. 80 ounces a day if you weigh 160 pounds). You already frequent the bathroom enough times to wonder if you should just move in. Do you really need to keep the fluids coming?

Absolutely! Water is an essential element in the healthy development of your baby. Not only does it help to establish and maintain your baby’s home, which is growing and living in amniotic fluid, but it also has the ability to keep you from swelling, and can even help with that fatigue you have been fighting.

3.    “Health Food” May Not be as Healthy as You Think – Eliminate soy, gluten and wheat from your diet. Don’t roll your eyes just because this may not seem like the most simple thing to do, or because you may think it just seems like the trendy thing to do. There is a method behind this madness!

If you want to give your child the healthiest food possible, avoid processed food altogether even the ones that may at first seem healthy. Processed foods are frequently stripped of vital nutrients.  Just as importantly, many are laden with chemicals that slow down your liver and digestion. It’s best to avoid them if at all possible!

Mercury Missteps: Fishy Foods to Eat While Pregnant

There is and always will be buzz surrounding high-mercury fish and foods to eat while pregnant. While your body can greatly benefit from the healthy fats found in certain fish, you can also seriously harm your growing baby by exposing it to high levels of mercury in the womb. The best thing to do, if you have a hankering for some seafood, is to do your homework.
Friendly Fish: The Best Fish to Include in Your Pregnancy Diet Plan
This list is the one that you can rejoice in! For those that have always been lovers of seafood, print this out and tuck it in your purse. While there are a ton of diet no-no’s when you are pregnant- especially when it comes to mercury- this list will help in giving you a little more freedom when you go out for date night at your favorite surf and turf restaurant.
Enjoy two 6-oz servings per week:
Butterfish        Scallops
Calamari        Flounder
Caviar (farmed)    Haddock
Crab (king)         Herring
Pollock        Sole
Catfish            Crawfish
Whitefish        Salmon
Shrimp            Clams
Fish to Forget: AVOID eating altogether (but this list is much smaller, so that’s a plus!)
Orange roughy
Fish to Catch or Release: Eat no more than two 6 oz servings a month
Mahi Mahi        Cod
Crab (Dungeness)    Tuna (canned)
Snappe    r        Perch
Snow crab        Skate
Monkfish        Crab (blue)

What are some Unique Ways to Get Fish into My Pregnancy Diet?
Fish is a funny thing, either you love it or you hate it. There isn’t many people who kind of like fish, and that’s because there is a distinct taste found that many either embrace or push away.
But if you really would like to incorporate the healthy benefits of the fatty acid found in fish and get the best they have to offer in protein, then why not try and incorporate these interesting ways to eat fish:
Open-face mahi-mahi tacos – Fresh avocado and organic pico de gallo and mahi mahi over a bed of sautéed cabbage make this option a fun and protein packed way to incorporate fish.
Baked Tilapia and Coconut Plantains with Brown Rice – After baking your tilapia to your liking, try frying some organic plantains in coconut oil and placing over long-grain brown rice. This is a wonderful combination of protein and carbohydrate and is a unique Jamaican style entrée.

Why Omega 3’s Are Essential for a Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

When you become pregnant, you will hear that your body needs all kinds of nutritional help- a diet rich in omega 3’s tops that list. This could be because most prenatal vitamins don’t have Omega 3’s in them. Nonetheless, they are incredibly important to the development of your baby and should be included daily in your diet.
Omega 3’s are fatty acids that are sometimes called simply, essential fatty acids. The reason that Omega 3’s are considered “essential” is that it is impoassible for your body to produce it on its own, and you can only derive it from other food sources or supplementation.
This is why it is very important that you make sure to include it in your diet, you won’t be able to get it to your growing baby otherwise.
What do Omega 3’s do for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet?
Certain studies have shown that infants who are exposed to higher levels of docosahexaenoic acid, (DHA) an omega-3 fatty acid, were found to have advanced attention spans for their age, well into their second year of life.
Also, during the first six months of living, these babies were two months ahead, developmentally, than babies who had lower or non-existent levels of DHa in their blood.
Giving your baby a leg up in the brain department is important for any of us. If you can give your baby this brain-making fatty acid in the womb to boost their ease into personal growth, it makes perfect sense to do so.
But your baby being advanced beyond his years isn’t the only benefit for including omega-3’s in your pregnancy diet.

How do Omega-3’s help my Baby and Myself During my Pregnancy Diet?
Having a diet rich in essential fatty acids can also help your fetus’s brain build exponentially better and more efficiently. It also helps form the retinas successfully, giving your child the best chance possible at having great eyesight.
They also aid in developing the nervous system. From the brain, to the eyes, to the nervous system, omega-3’s pretty much run the gamut when it comes to benefits for your baby.
For you, getting enough omega-3’scan help reduce your risk for post partum depression, minimize your chance or a pre-term baby, and even reduce your chance of developing preeclampsia. So invest in some flaxseed oil or organic eggs, your baby will thank you!

I’m Afraid of Not Losing the Baby Weight: What is the Best Food for Pregnant Women to Gain the Right Amount?

It is a common worry, wondering what to eat while pregnant so that you don’t gain too much weight during pregnancy. But gaining too much doesn’t just make it harder for you to shed the excess once your baby is born. Eating the wrong food for pregnant women can also result in gestational diabetes, difficult labors, and of course unwanted weight gain.
Gain Weight Girl! Your Pregnancy Diet Includes Eating More
So how do you keep yourself on track? The good news is that pregnant women must and should gain weight! This is the first time in your life that you should be happy to see the numbers on the scale steadily rising. So don’t ever approach your pregnancy diet as a “diet,” but instead as a well calculated eating process that enables you and your baby to grow together.

Set Your Sights High: What to Eat When Pregnant for that 20-35lb Gaining Goal
If you are of normal weight when you become pregnant, then it is recommended that you gain anywhere from 20-30 pounds over the course of your pregnancy. This weight shouldn’t be put on through processed junk food or sugary treats- so even though you shouldn’t be dieting in the ordinary sense of the word, you should be choosing to eat foods that will help and not harm your growing baby.
1.    Be very aware of how much sugar you take in everyday. Especially the hidden sugars found in fruit juices and condiments like ketchup and jam. Sometimes, even though you may not be eating candy or cookies, you will be taking in too much sugar throughout the day.
2.    Don’t rely on heavily processed carbohydrates for your pregnancy diet’s “bread and butter”. Protein is one of the most important food sources that you can give your growing baby, so don’t fall into the trap of eating too many “wheat” products that are also packed with sugar and offer no fiber.
3.    Give in to your snack attacks! It is perfectly fine to snack throughout the day to keep your hunger steady and to regulate spikes in your blood sugar, but make sure those snacks are wholesome fruits, or veggies with hummus. Skip on the pretzels or chips, and instead nosh on something that will fill you up and keep you satisfied until your next meal.

The Vicious Cycle that Can Derail your Diet During Pregnancy

Every body responds differently to pregnancy, some women take to it like a fish to water, others find themselves in a vicious cycle of constant fatigue and sickness the entire time, causing your diet during pregnancy to be comfort-minded instead of baby-minded. Knowing how to deal with the worst is sometimes the best way to feel secure against the unknown aspects of pregnancy that may possibly loom ahead.
Your Health Gets Hi-jacked: A Pregnancy Diet Plan Goes Kaput
One of the most common aspects of pregnancy is morning sickness. The misleading term, which neither occurs in the a.m. nor lasts only during the morning hours, has many women in a state of sickness for their entire term. When you are constantly throwing up or feeling like you might, getting proper nutrition is a distant thought in your mind.
The only concern you may have is reprieve from the nausea that is threatening to make your everyday life unbearable. Stories of women having morning sickness through all trimesters are unfortunate, but because it does happen you may want to make sure that even though you don’t feel like eating more than broth and some crackers- your baby needs more!


 Pregnancy Foods Can’t Be Cut Out- Dehydration and Diet Don’ts
If you are one of those women who suffer from this constant seasickness, your health and your pregnancy diet plan may be the last thing on your mind. But don’t cut out your intentions for eating whole, organic foods.
Your baby is relying on you to get him or her the nutrients he needs. If you don’t provide those, he will take from your own personal stores causing even more fatigue and put you at risk for a long list of deficiencies.
However, remember that if you are visiting the bathroom on a consistent basis you run the risk of becoming very dehydrated. Dehydration can cause some major issues for your growing baby.
The amount of fluid you take in dictates the amount of amniotic fluid that your baby gets. Low amniotic fluid has a bevy of unwanted results. If significant enough, the baby can lay against the uterus as opposed to floating inside it, which can cause deformities.
Also dehydration can cause premature labor because it forces your blood volume to increase, raising the level of Oxytocin in your system. Oxytocin is responsible for kicking off contractions. So drink up–even if you can’t seem to keep much down.

getting pregnant

"I Thought I'd Never Have A Baby.
 I Went To Every Doctor, Read Every Book,
Tried Everything.
Got Labelled "Unexplained Infertility".
Then I Figured It All Out:
I Created A Plan Of All The Things That Help Fertility And Got Pregnant! You Can Too!"
Follow This Four Month Plan And Get Pregnant
Or I'll Give You ALL Your Money back!
  ...Yes, I'm That Confident! Here's why...

Dear friend,

Do you often ask yourself "Why can’t I get pregnant!?" I remember asking myself this same question month after month. I thought I was doing everything right, I tried relaxing more, not thinking about it so much, exercised more, saw specialists and yet I wasn’t pregnant.

Each month would end in heartbreak; the tears would flood down no matter how hard I tried to stop them, no matter how much I tried to be positive about the new month ahead. I’d spend two weeks every month imagining that every little twinge my body made was different to the last month, that they were signs I was pregnant, that this month was my month… only to have the month end in devastation.

Not one to give up easily and certainly not one to take someone’s word for things, I set about digging up everything I could about getting pregnant. What I discovered over the course of twelve months of research surprised me, amazed me but most of all a lot of what I discovered angered me.

I was angry when I found out things I had been doing were working against my goal of getting pregnant. I was angry after discovering that the hundreds of dollars I’d paid a ‘specialist’ were for half truths! But I’ll never forget the day I found out something that absolutely sent me over the edge.
I Discovered Something That Devastated Me

I discovered something so devastating to me that it angered me to a point that I don’t ever want to experience again. What I discovered was something I had done that can greatly increase the risk of miscarriage. Not only had I done this but I had done it during a month that I really thought I was pregnant... my period was late, I had a few symptoms but then I had a late heavy period. Did I get pregnant? I don’t know for certain. If I was pregnant could this thing I did have caused a miscarriage? Yes it could have! I realized that if I didn't know about this devastating mistake I'd made what else didn't I know?!From that moment on I was a changed person.

I went from a women who really wanted a baby,
to a foaming-at-the-mouth, forensic investigator who would not stop until all the facts on getting pregnant were uncovered!

I knew there was more to it, I knew there was factual information that I could get my hands on if I dug deep enough and that it would help me get pregnant and stay pregnant!

I was right!

I uncovered some mind blowing research that, after making sense of it all, I combined with all my experience and knowledge and created a structured plan I could follow.

Within four months of following my plan I was pregnant and that was at the age of 39!

I cried tears of happiness at the sight of my positive pregnancy test, I released tears of anguish from all the months gone by and I cried tears of hope that I would hold my precious baby who I wanted to love and care for so much.

 The day our son was born I cried tears of joy.

I went through so much trial and error, discovered so much information and figured out exactly what it would take to get pregnant and have the baby of my dreams. I read hundreds of clinical trial papers, I spent hours on end at the library researching reproduction and I studied countless articles, medical reports, web sites, books, transcripts, research papers and forum posts. I spent many hours (and dollars!) in consultation with different "fertility specialists" and even they didn't tell me half of what I discovered!
I found out golden nuggets of information that would increase my chances of getting pregnant dramatically and more importantly found out things that wouldn't work, things that I'd actually been doing wrong that were undermining my fertility!
I was so excited when I managed to put all I'd learnt together into a detailed step by step plan. In the back of my mind I knew it would work but I tried to not get my hopes up too high... Well my hopes were up and so they should have been, I was right, my plan worked! Within just four short months of following my plan I was pregnant, I could finally say I was having a baby and I'd like to help you do the same.
Making Sense Of It All Isn't Easy
Trying to make sense of all the information about getting pregnant can be very confusing and you can end up not knowing what to do and who to believe. I have unraveled it all... tossed out the myths, found the scientifically backed research, left no stone unturned. It took me day and night for months and months but I did it and it worked.
If you have the time to spare you could wade through all the resources too and hopefully come across everything you need to do to get pregnant. Of course you probably don't want to have to do that.... spend twelve months working it all out. You want to get pregnant now.
After I had my baby I was very busy, but recently I've had some time to work on a way to bring to you all that I've learnt so that you can get pregnant too. I wanted a way for you to quickly get hold of the information I did, to have all the information sorted into a step by step plan, a plan that quite frankly includes information that your fertility specialist mightn't even know about or believe in, let alone tell you about it!  

My positive pregnancy tests.
I had to test twice to believe my eyes!

What Your Specialist Isn't Telling You...
And Why...
Why wouldn't your fertility specialist, naturopath, pharmacist or even your doctor tell you what I will? It's simple; each practitioner has their own limited knowledge base when it comes to getting pregnant. Most doctors certainly don't have the sort of knowledge that an IVF specialist does, many naturopaths know little about the drugs a doctor would know to correctly prescribe and yet it is rare to find a doctor who would have the in depth knowledge a naturopath has about herbs for infertility.
So it's easy to see that if you go to a doctor for advice on getting pregnant they probably won't be sharing with you the very latest results from human studies on say the impact chemicals have on ovulation. Or if you head off to an IVF specialist they are most unlikely to talk to you in depth about the powerful herbs you can try before IVF and which ones if any you can take that will support your IVF attempts. And if you go to a naturopath he or she is most often not qualified to advise you on whether you have a serious medical condition or not.
See  how easy it is to go to one or two practitioners, let them help you with their specific area of expertise and then just limit the things you do to get pregnant to what they say. What this means is that you're missing out on all the knowledge that practitioner 'x' can share with you and practitioner 'y' too because you've only gotten practitioner 'z's' advice.
That's one of the mistakes I made. One practitioner swore black and blue that my timing was out and that was all I had to fix, I believed her!!!! I spent weeks focusing on timing! Was it helpful, only a little, was there other things I could have been doing at the same time to increase my chances of getting pregnant? Yes, yes, yes!
You know what happened then, I realized that not only did these practitioners have their limited set field of knowledge, they also didn't want me going and investigating the other fields! Why? I don't know, but my guess is that they were worried that the 'other' guy might convince me that their modality was the answer and I'd take my money elsewhere!
Maybe There's A Better Way
As if trying to get pregnant isn't hard enough without the 'experts' ignoring all the other things that you could be doing to help your fertility. The pain, tears and heartache I felt month after month was almost unbearable. It still makes me sad to this day that I spent so much time living in a state of almost daily grief. Sad that no one would help me and feeling that I'd never have the baby I was wishing so hard for. I lost so much of my positive outlook on life; I had believed that anything was possible if you wanted it bad enough yet I'd never wished for anything more in my life and it still wasn't coming true.
Quite honestly, there are very few who are willing to admit there are numerous ways to support getting pregnant. Why is this? Well that I am puzzled about. In my experience each 'expert' was so one-tracked that they would even ignore my questions about other things I could try! Logic won over in the end and I set about combining together all the ways to help fertility, not leaving any of them out; I thought "Why not cover all the bases?", so I did! I just knew there was a better way.
To be able to share with you the plan I developed using all the detailed experience and knowledge I gathered from such a vast array of sources is so exciting! I know you need this information and more importantly you deserve to have it! You have the right to know how to lift your chances of getting pregnant to the absolute maximum possible so that one day you will hold the baby of your dreams like I did. 
Your Fertility Foe? TIME!
As time goes by your goal just seems to slip further and further away. Your thoughts that you will never get pregnant start to really hit home, your eggs keep aging and life starts to become just that little bit sadder each day. 
Not anymore! You now have a detailed plan to follow that ensures you're doing absolutely everything you possibly can to get pregnant.

This Is Not Like Any Other Plan You've Ever Read
On Getting Pregnant

                    Simply put, this is:
                   not one 'secret'
                   not a special  'herb'
                   not a magic solution.
This plan is detailed, it's comprehensive, and it requires commitment.This is a plan for anyone who is willing to do pretty much anything to get pregnant like I did! Does that sound like you?

This is the exact system I used to get pregnant and I'm proof that it worked! Is the plan about one thing to suit one type of problem? No. I never found out what my problem was, it was "unexplained". Which 'part' of the plan worked? I don't know. All I did was everything I knew I could to increase my chances of getting pregnant and I did get pregnant, within four short months.
Which step will work for you? I don't know, no-one probably knows. You must commit to do all the cover all your bases to finally get pregnant.

Are you willing to commit to covering all your bases?
                        Will you do everything you can to try to get pregnant?
                             If you answered yes then this is the plan for you.
Here's a sneak peak at what you'll discover:
1 simple yet very powerful fertility remedy.For some couples this is the key that will finally get them pregnant!
The one type of specialist you must consult! This will be one of the most important things you'll ever learn to help you get pregnant.
The reason why some women's fertility is four times greater than other women's ...and how to be one of them so you can get pregnant faster! AMAZING!
Discover how to pinpoint ovulation with 100% accuracy!You'll never miss the golden window of opportunity to get pregnant again.
REVEALED! The hidden truth behind everyday activities & their impact on your fertility. Learn how to stop sabotaging your chances of getting pregnant!
Your secret weapon for combating a daily fertility foe.Master this to increase your chances of getting pregnant and to enjoy the journey along the way.
The little-known way to turn anovulatory cycles into ovulatory ones. Turning 'no-chance' cycles into cycles that give you a real chance to get pregnant.   
10 proven steps to getting pregnant.Finally a step by step, cover all your bases, leave no-stone-unturned plan to get pregnant and stop wasting time!
And ...
             2 powerful ways to find out your fertility status so you  know where to begin.
             An easy way to improve your fertility, even in women with PCOS.       
             2 simple things you can do everyday to increase your chances of conceiving.
             A free way to understand what your body is telling you about your fertility.
             Exposed! A plan founded on research from the forefront of fertility studies.  
And that's just a fraction of what you'll find out in 'The Getting Pregnant Plan'.
If you're having difficulty getting pregnant and feel there's nothing more you can do to have the baby you dream of, I urge you not to give up just yet. You now have access to a plan where you'll be carefully guided along a path to getting pregnant, undertaking ten sequential steps to bring all of the critical conception keys into sync at once. Are you willing to take ten more steps to getting pregnant? 

what to eat while pregnant

Want to find out the specific nutrition and exercises to
have a super healthy baby, while maintaing your own health
...and bouncing back from pregnancy better than you started?